Accused in the Umesh Pal murder case was killed in an encounter by the police.?
As per news organization ANI, an experience occurred among police and encountered Vijay alias Usman on Monday morning in Kaundhiyara police headquarters region. The measurable group has additionally arrived at the spot. BJP MLA from Deoria Shalabh Mani Tripathi has imparted the video after the experience to his Twitter handle.
News organization ANI cited the specialist of Prayagraj’s Swaroop Rani Nehru Clinic as expressing that when Usman was taken to the clinic after the encountered Usman was shot Umesh paal was the fundamental observer in a 2005 homicide occurrence. Umesh Paal was killed on February 24, 2023.
This is the second encountered of accused in the Umesh Paal murder case. Prior, the police had killed Arbaz, a nearby helper of Bahubali gangster and previous MP Atiq Ahmed, in an experience. As per the police said that they got Arbaz during an experience in Prayagraj, Arbaz kicked the bucket on Monday from shot injuries.
मिट्टी में ढेर उमेश पाल व संदीप निषाद का हत्यारा उस्मान चौधरी !!
— Dr. Shalabh Mani Tripathi (@shalabhmani) March 6, 2023
Prayagraj police expressed that subsequent to inspecting the CCTV film, they had distinguished Asad, ‘Bombaaz’ Guddu Muslim, Ghulam and Arbaz, child of previous MP and Bahubali Atiq Ahmed. As indicated by the police, an individual named Sadaqat Khan has been recognized as the schemer. Umesh Paal was the principal observer in the BSP MLA Raju Paal murder case. Raju Paal was killed in the year 2005.
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